The general terms and conditions form part of every agreement between Dietitian Practice Mirjam van Egmond for nutritional and dietary advice and the client (client or legal representative).
The treatment takes place by appointment only. An appointment can be made by telephone at the appointment office or by e-mail or registration form in the online agenda. The online agenda is available 24 hours a day, even during the holiday period. The appointment office is available from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00.
The treatment takes place at one of the practice locations. Home visits are only possible on the indication of the doctor or general practitioner.
Treatment time
The treatment time consists of contact time (this is the conversation time) and Individual Dietary Prescription: the time spent by the dietician analyzing nutritional, dietician and medical data, calculating the diet if necessary and compiling personal dietary advice. Different conditions apply to chain care.
As a healthcare provider, Dietitian Practice Mirjam van Egmond is obliged to use the BSN number when exchanging data about patients/clients. The practice must be able to determine whether the BSN and the person belong together. The client/patient is obliged to show valid identification at the first appointment.
For the first appointment, the patient/client is asked to bring a valid ID, the health insurance card and the doctor's referral letter (or referral via integrated care). The consent form must also be signed.
If you are unable to come to your appointment, you must notify us at least 24 hours before the appointment. This can be done by telephone or e-mail. You can also reschedule the appointment via the online agenda. If the appointment has not been canceled or rescheduled in time, the practice is forced to charge you for the reserved time. These costs are not reimbursed by the health insurer or integrated care.
Reimbursement costs/payment
Dietician practice Mirjam van Egmond has a contract with all health insurers. Declaration of the costs goes directly to the health insurance company. The health insurance company will charge any excess. Claiming the costs incurred in integrated care goes directly to the integrated care organization. In that case, the deductible does not apply.
If the insurance no longer reimburses the costs (if more appointments are required, then the insurance reimburses), the costs will be for your own account. This also applies to appointments not canceled in time. You will receive an invoice that must be paid within the specified payment term.
If payment is not made within the set term, a one-off reminder will be sent. If payment is not made, Dietitian Practice Mirjam van Egmond is entitled to call in a collection agency. The extra costs will therefore be charged.
In case of a difference of opinion about the costs to be paid, the administrative data of Dietician Practice Mirjam van Egmond are binding, unless the contrary can be proven.
The advice of Dietitian Practice Mirjam van Egmond is result-oriented, without guaranteeing that result. The practice excludes any liability for damage or injury arising from or in connection with the client/patient's follow-up of the advice provided by the dietician, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of the dietician.
Your privacy is guaranteed with regard to legal obligations. The practice is subject to the Personal Data Protection Act. Dietician practice Mirjam van Egmond acts in accordance with this law.
Complaints procedure
Dietician practice Mirjam van Egmond does everything to provide good care and to organize everything carefully. In the unlikely event that you as a client are not satisfied, it is important to discuss this. You can make an appointment for this separately free of charge. If that does not solve the problem, you can submit a complaint. Dietician practice Mirjam van Egmond is affiliated with the Complaints and Disputes Regulation for Paramedics. You will find more information here