Food hypersensitivity
We help to find out what causes your complaints
Food hypersensitivity can be caused by an allergic reaction or a non-allergic reaction (intolerance)
Read more information below
It is often a search for what you are allergic to. Are you really allergic? Or is it an intolerance?
It is often a puzzle to figure everything out. Do not do this alone, and go to the doctor and / or specialized dietitian. Dietician Mirjam van Egmond specializes in food allergies and intolerance. She has followed post-HBO training for this and is a certified Fodmap dietitian.
important don't try it yourself. Why not? It may be that food is omitted in order to reduce the complaints. Often too much nutrition is omitted, which is not necessary at all. Then a diet can become deficient, but it also makes it very difficult to maintain. A good diagnosis is very important, a dietician helps with this.
Food hypersensitivity
Food hypersensitivity is an umbrella term for food allergy and food intolerance. Food intolerance is a non-allergic food hypersensitivity.
Referral from the general practitioner or specialist is highly desirable, and I will always ask for it.
In case of complex allergies, I will refer you to a specialized colleague (2nd line).
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