Many people present themselves as experts in the field of nutrition but have limited knowledge. If you have read this article, you will know the differences and similarities between a dietitian, weight consultant, nutritionist, nutrition therapist, nutrition or lifestyle coach.
The dietitian is the specialist in the field of nutrition and behaviour, in the event of illness and health. The dietician will make sure that you feel better, that your treatment is more successful and that you – if possible – get better. Do you have heart problems, diabetes, stomach and intestinal problems, cancer, food allergy or other condition? The dietitian can, because of her medical andnutritional knowledge and experience best assess which nutrition you need exactly. The treatment is tailored to your unique situation and personal preferences and is aimed at application in daily practice.A diet is a diet that deviates from the normal for medical reasons
diet. The dietitian therefore works closely with your doctor to ensure that you receive the right nutrition: appropriate to your condition, your treatment and, of course, yourpersonal preferences.
In addition to treatment in the event of illness, the dietitian can also assist with weight loss, exercise or during pregnancy.
The title 'dietician' is legally regulated in the BIG Act
(Act on the professions in the individualhealthcare). The BIG law also includes doctors, nurses and physiotherapists. The law is intended to quality of care
and to protect the patient. If you go to a healthcare provider with a protected title, you can be sure that you are dealing with someone with expertise.
Only professionals with a four-year HBO training in 'Nutrition and Dietetics' are allowed to use the title 'dietician'. Dieticians register after their training in the Paramedics Quality Register, which indicates that the dietician meets the training requirements of the BIG Act. To remain Quality Registered, dieticians must keep their knowledge up to date by working and studying. If you want to know whether the dietician has the right diploma and demonstrably meets the quality requirements, consult the Paramedics Quality Register.
Protected title: yes
Registry: yes
Paramedics Quality Register: this concerns training and continuous professional development of healthcare providers
Education: 4 years HBO Nutrition & Dietetics
Professional association: Dutch Association of Dieticians (NVD)
Weight consultant
A weight consultant is trained to help healthy people with weight problemscoach. The advice is often aimed at teaching you a healthier lifestyle. You can go to a consultant do not go for dietary advice.
In general, a weight consultation guides people with a BMI between 18.5 and 30. In case of medical complaints or causes, a consultant will refer you to the general practitioner or dietitian.
There are many different weight consultant training programs ranging from a correspondence course
to face-to-face education. Consultants can only join the Professional Association of Weight Consultants (BGN) with a diploma recognized by the BGN. The title of weight consultant is not protected.
Protected title: no
Registry: no
Education: diverse, weight or nutrition consultant
Professional association: Professional Association of Weight Consultants in the Netherlands
The title of nutritionist is not protected. The term is used by scientists who have completed their studies in Nutrition & Health in Wageningen. But people who have followed a (written) nutrition-related education also call themselves nutritionists or nutritionists. Sometimes nutritionists work from their own practice, but you will also find them as information officers at schools, companies and gyms, for example.
Protected title: no
Quality registered: no
Education: diverse, from a few months of written home study to university
Professional association: none
Nutrition therapist
The educational background can be very diverse, people with a background from the
Naturopathy often use the term therapist. The title is not protected, what
means that there are no requirements for the training.
Protected title: no
Registry: no
Education: various
Professional association: none
Nutrition coach, lifestyle coach or lifestyle professional
A lifestyle coach makes people aware of a healthy lifestyle by teaching them well
inform about the possibilities and developments. They retrieve information from the
clients about nutrition, exercise and lifestyle and turn this into advice. A
lifestyle coach often works for himself or for a gym. There are no training requirements
to call you a lifestyle coach.
Protected title: no
Registry: no
Pre-certification SCAS: training (in the field of sports and exercise), but not whether the
caregiver continues to develop professionally.
Course: a few days
up to four years
Professional association: Professional association Leefstijlcoaches Nederland (BLCN)) and Dutch
Professional Association of Lifestyle Professionals (NBLP)
To elect
It therefore depends on your goal or circumstances which supervisor suits you best. Especially if you want to lose weight, there is a lot of choice. The title weight consultant, nutritionist, nutrition therapist, nutrition coach, lifestyle coach or lifestyle professionals are not protected titles. This means that everyone can call themselves that, even people who have not received any form of education in the field of nutrition. Therefore, always pay close attention to the training of the expert and see whether they have joined a professional association.
If there are health problems or a medical indication, choose a dietician.